Book Index.

Browse the index to find and view articles on books. The index can be sorted by clicking on the table heading buttons (Author, Title, and Year).

Author Title Year
Augustine Confessions c.397
Benchley, Peter Jaws 1974
Blake, Michael Dances with Wolves 1988
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 1953
Caesar, Julius Gallic War c.50BC
Crichton, Michael Jurassic Park 1990
Diamond, Jarod Guns, Germs, and Steel 1999
Dickens, Charles Christmas Carol 1843
Fuller, John The Interrupted Journey 1975
Groton, Anne From Alpha to Omega 2013
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Scarlet Letter 1850
Hoad, T.F. Concise Oxford Dictionary of
English Etymology
Herbert, Frank Dune 1965
Homer Iliad c.800BC
Hopkins, Budd Intruders 1987
Janssen, Sarah The World Almanac 2019
John John's Gospel c.100
Mack, John Abduction 1994
Melville, Herman Moby Dick 1851
Orberg, Hans Lingua Latina: Familia Romana 2005
Orwell, George Animal Farm 1945
Plato Euthyphro c.390BC
Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar 1599
Steinbeck, John Of Mice and Men 1937
Stoker, Bram Dracula 1897
Strieber, Whitley Communion 1987
Tolkien, J.R.R. Fellowship of the Ring 1954
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit 1937
Unattributed Beowulf c.1000
Unattributed Sir Gawain and the Green Knight c.1400
Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1870
Virgil The Aeneid c.20BC
Wells, H.G. Island of Doctor Moreau 1896
Wells, H.G. War of the Worlds 1898
Wheelock, Frederic Wheelock's Latin 2011
Author Title Year
Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1870
Mack, John Abduction 1994
Virgil The Aeneid c.20BC
Orwell, George Animal Farm 1945
Unattributed Beowulf c.1000
Dickens, Charles Christmas Carol 1843
Strieber, Whitley Communion 1987
Hoad, T.F. Concise Oxford Dictionary
of English Etymology
Augustine Confessions c.397
Blake, Michael Dances with Wolves 1988
Stoker, Bram Dracula 1897
Herbert, Frank Dune 1965
Plato Euthyphro c.390BC
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 1953
Tolkien, J.R.R. Fellowship of the Ring 1954
Groton, Anne From Alpha to Omega 2013
Caesar, Julius Gallic War c.50BC
Diamond, Jarod Guns, Germs, and Steel 1999
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit 1937
Homer Iliad c.800BC
Fuller, John The Interrupted Journey 1975
Hopkins, Budd Intruders 1987
Wells, H.G. Island of Doctor Moreau 1896
Benchley, Peter Jaws 1974
John John's Gospel c.100
Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar 1599
Crichton, Michael Jurassic Park 1990
Orberg, Hans Lingua Latina: Familia Romana 2005
Melville, Herman Moby Dick 1851
Steinbeck, John Of Mice and Men 1937
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Scarlet Letter 1850
Unattributed Sir Gawain and the Green Knight c.1400
Wells, H.G. War of the Worlds 1898
Wheelock, Frederic Wheelock's Latin 2011
Janssen, Sarah The World Almanac 2019
Author Title Year
Janssen, Sarah The World Almanac 2019
Groton, Anne From Alpha to Omega 2013
Wheelock, Frederic Wheelock's Latin 2011
Orberg, Hans Lingua Latina: Familia Romana 2005
Hoad, T.F. Concise Oxford Dictionary
of English Etymology
Diamond, Jarod Guns, Germs, and Steel 1999
Mack, John Abduction 1994
Crichton, Michael Jurassic Park 1990
Blake, Michael Dances with Wolves 1988
Hopkins, Budd Intruders 1987
Strieber, Whitley Communion 1987
Fuller, John The Interrupted Journey 1975
Benchley, Peter Jaws 1974
Herbert, Frank Dune 1965
Tolkien, J.R.R. Fellowship of the Ring 1954
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 1953
Orwell, George Animal Farm 1945
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit 1937
Steinbeck, John Of Mice and Men 1937
Wells, H.G. War of the Worlds 1898
Stoker, Bram Dracula 1897
Wells, H.G. Island of Doctor Moreau 1896
Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1870
Melville, Herman Moby Dick 1851
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Scarlet Letter 1850
Dickens, Charles Christmas Carol 1843
Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar 1599
Unattributed Sir Gawain and the Green Knight c.1400
Unattributed Beowulf c.1000
Augustine Confessions c.397
John John's Gospel c.100
Virgil The Aeneid c.20BC
Caesar, Julius Gallic War c.50BC
Plato Euthyphro c.390BC
Homer Iliad c.800BC

Film Index.

Browse the index to articles on films. The index can be sorted by clicking on a table heading below.

Title Writer Year
Bram Stoker's Dracula Hart, James V. 1992
Dances with Wolves Blake, Michael 1990
Dune Lynch, David. 1984
Elephant Man Lynch, David 1980
Fellowship of the Ring Jackson, Peter 2001
The Happening Shyamalan, M. Night 2008
The Hobbit Jackson, Peter 2012
The Island of Dr. Moreau Stanley, Richard 1996
Jaws Benchley, Peter 1975
Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael 1993
Lady in the Water Shyamalan, M. Night 2006
Scarlet Letter Stewart, Douglas Day 1995
Signs Shyamalan, M. Night 2002
Sixth Sense Shyamalan, M. Night 1999
The Social Network Sorkin, Aaron 2010
Steve Jobs Sorkin, Aaron 2015
Unbreakable Shyamalan, M. Night 2000
The Village Shyamalan, M. Night 2004
War of the Worlds Friedman, Josh 2005
Title Writer Year
Jaws Benchley, Peter 1975
Dances with Wolves Blake, Michael 1990
Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael 1993
War of the Worlds Friedman, Josh 2005
Bram Stoker's Dracula Hart, James V. 1992
The Hobbit Jackson, Peter 2012
Fellowship of the Ring Jackson, Peter 2001
Dune Lynch, David. 1984
Elephant Man Lynch, David 1980
The Happening Shyamalan, M. Night 2008
Lady in the Water Shyamalan, M. Night 2006
The Village Shyamalan, M. Night 2004
Signs Shyamalan, M. Night 2002
Unbreakable Shyamalan, M. Night 2000
Sixth Sense Shyamalan, M. Night 1999
The Social Network Sorkin, Aaron 2010
Steve Jobs Sorkin, Aaron 2015
The Island of Dr. Moreau Stanley, Richard 1996
Scarlet Letter Stewart, Douglas Day 1995
Title Writer Year
Steve Jobs Sorkin, Aaron 2015
The Hobbit Jackson, Peter 2012
The Social Network Sorkin, Aaron 2010
The Happening Shyamalan, M. Night 2008
Lady in the Water Shyamalan, M. Night 2006
War of the Worlds Friedman, Josh 2005
The Village Shyamalan, M. Night 2004
Signs Shyamalan, M. Night 2002
Fellowship of the Ring Jackson, Peter 2001
Unbreakable Shyamalan, M. Night 2000
Sixth Sense Shyamalan, M. Night 1999
Island of Dr. Moreau Stanley, Richard 1996
Scarlet Letter Stewart, Douglas Day 1995
Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael 1993
Bram Stoker's Dracula Hart, James V. 1992
Dances with Wolves Blake, Michael 1990
Dune Lynch, David. 1984
Elephant Man Lynch, David 1980
Jaws Benchley, Peter 1975